Friday, July 07, 2006

Microscope Activities

As the new school year draws near, many parents want to purchase a new microscope for their students. The best microscope for young students is the Brock Magiscope. It is virtually indestructible, portable, and does not require electricity or batteries. In the rare event that a piece is broken, it has a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. For high school students, a more traditional scope will provide an experience that prepares them for college level science courses.

Consider having each student keep a science journal for drawing pictures of specimens. Let them draw what they see for a few minutes. When they are done, instruct them to look again and draw a little more for a few more minutes. Some may complain, "But I don't see anything else!" Do not engage in a debate, just repeat the instructions to look, study, and draw some more. When they are done, have them repeat the study and drawing exercise for a thrid time. In the beginning, this may truly be difficult for some students. Encourage them to find just one more detail to add. Soon, they will gain confidence and find more details each time they study. They will also realize that you are not asking them to stare and draw indefinitely, but for just a very short period of time.

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