Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Our new family members have arrived!

I love my exotic pets and I've always wanted to expand. On an impulse I went out and bought two new pets. They're cute! They're sort of furry! They're a pair of arachnids! One is a Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula appropriately named Aragog and the other is an Emperor Scorpion named Ceaser. We thought about calling it Nero at first, but the real Roman Emperor was just plain evil and the girls and I couldn't bring ourselves to honor him in any way whatsoever. My daughter was so happy she just hugged my arm and sort of jumped up and down saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I guess it runs in the family. I have just set up their new pet homes and didn't want to disturb them with portraits, so I added clips of what the species look like instead.

I have to say that I am just SO EXCITED!! It's so cool to have a large spider or a ferocious looking scorpion crawling over your hand. These guys do have another purpose besides my own selfish entertainment. They will help educate children at science classes, camps, and workshops. They are also part of a live animal birthday party business here in Orlando. If you have any questions about these fascinating creatures, post them and we'll respond soon.

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